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"Showing bad ideas, blind alleys and work that doesn't sell can be very important to the story. The ad is from season two, an episode called 'Three Sundays,' directed by Tim Hunter and written by Matthew Weiner, André Jacquemetton and Maria Jacquemetton. The agency has worked weekends on a big American Airlines pitch. Moments before the meeting Sal comes in the conference room with this last comp, Joan sets leave-behinds on the conference table, Roger loosens up. Then Duck Philips comes in and says their contact at American was fired, and everyone knows they have no chance of winning the account, but must go through with the meeting anyhow. It's a devastating moment. For the audience to buy into the disappointment of the scene, we needed to invest everything in the ads, the set and the tension that the characters would feel. It makes it feel real."

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