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Samantha Casolari, photographer
Emily Keegin, creative director
The Fader, client

“Photographing Cardi B was surely one of the most surreal and entertaining projects I have ever done. Emily Keegin, the Fader photo director at the time, wanted something that conveyed the idea and warmth of summer, as the cover story was coming out in June. We decided to use really warm colors in the backdrops and mix them with outdoor scenes. Cardi B came with a big entourage of friends, agents and managers who were coming and going throughout the day. She is very petite and bold and a natural entertainer. It was basically a daylong party. We left the studio to go shoot on the waterfront, and we had her whole entourage with us, and a group of kids on bikes recognized her, so we literally had a procession that grew bigger and bigger the more people recognized her. It was astonishing to look at.”


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