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Stone of Tymora (top) was a D&D novel authored by R.A. and Geno Salvatore. This image served as a wraparound cover, so it needed to still tell a bit of a story on the back in addition to showing the central demon figure on the front. I wanted the demon to feel like it was flying out of the book toward the viewer. The Sundering (middle) showcases a lineup of characters from recent novels by prominent D&D authors. I also designed the central figure, aging knight Isteval. The client needed to have each figure in the image—which appear overlapped—fully painted head-to-toe on its own layer to allow the assets to be used separately for other collateral. This made the piece extremely challenging. The Vampire (bottom) was created for a game box that D&D never released, which was a bit of a letdown. I wanted to draw the viewer into the scene using the doorway, and this ended up being a great solution. The hot line of light is my favorite part of the image.”

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