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Duration: I’ve been working steadily as a photographer for about five years now.

Staff: It’s me myself and I for now, but when it comes to more demanding shoots I work with professionals that are really passionate about their ideas and the process involved so there’s a great entourage of assistants, stylists and hair and make-up artists.

Education: I majored in film studies which steered me towards finishing up in photography and graphic design.

Cultural influences: I started traveling at a young age, lived in Africa and South America for a time and the moving about gave me the ability to adapt easily to new places, new situations and view things differently from a young age. I loved watching independent and foreign cinema as a teenager, there’s just something so gritty and real about the way they are filmed. I'm also a bit of a book worm.

Environment: I do most of my work on location. I love natural light and tend to have a preference for things that are unstaged—even if they are staged I just like when things look real.

Philosophy: Keep it simple, follow your instincts and love what you do.

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