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Paul Pensom, art director
Greg Lewis, graphic designer
Chris Ashworth, creative director
Jay Del Rosario, developer
Larry White, editor
Gary McCall, production artist
Julia Riddiough, project manager
Getty Images, project design and development

"Well-written, great layout, beautiful images and a great brand exercise for Getty." —juror Kevin Farnham

"A clean, elegant interface combined with a simplicity that directs you right to the content. This site's intuitive layout and ease-of-use make it an excellent working model for online magazines and the design more than compensates for the fact that it isn't XHTML/CSS compliant." —juror Ian Coyle

Overview: Getty Images' award-winning Edit magazine brings together top professionals from the worlds of advertising, design and publishing to debate the industry's biggest issues. This popular site extends the print version, offering extra features and reader contributions.

• 13-person staff
• Reader contributions
• 2 issues per year
• 61K average download size

Comments by Robert Blincoe and John O'Reilly:
"Initially, the Edit Webzine was conceived as a companion to the print version. Both are about exploring how imagery works through the eyes of the people who use them, creatives, newsdesk professionals and filmmakers. The creative execution of Edit has always reflected the print magazine, but lately it's been developing its own identity.

"Just because you can show more pictures on the Web doesn't mean you should. Creating a display rhythm that works for the reader is vital. We can also exploit film, so the entire image content of the print magazine is remixed, sliced and diced, by a hot design agency to create a short vibrant film that reveals a fresh perspective.

"One challenge on the last issue was that we didn't have the rights to show the Abraham Zapruder image of JFK's assassination on the Web, despite the fact that it had opened an article on citizen journalism in our print edition. No problem. Instead we used a screengrab of Rodney King and the LAPD, redesigned the title page, rewrote some of the article, and got it retranslated! Like everyone else, we're finding this an extraordinary, amazing, daily-changing medium.

"Edit lives and breathes on the 'friction of interaction' between us and our customers. We produce it in four languages to engender this conversation and that's what makes it real, relevant and vital. The exciting journey we're on is for it to become a truly interactive experience, a place where likeminded people can come for the banter, stimulation, inspiration and ideas."


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