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Marie-Pier Gilbert/Cindy Goulet, designers
Pierre Lussier, writer
Serge Côté, creative director
Luc Robitaille, photographer
lg2fabrique, print producer
Catherine Lanctôt/Florence Morin-Laurin, project managers
lg2boutique, design firm
Johanne Demers, La Vittoria, client
“Every year, members of the Québec business community and a team of renowned international chefs come together for La Vittoria, founded by Johanne Demers, a gastronomic event founded by Johanne Demers that benefits various charities. The luxurious Ritz-Carlton Montréal hotel was the venue for the 2012 edition. The hotel’s various rooms echo both our modern era and the times of Louis XVI. The spiral scrolls, minimalist geometry, gilding and fluorescent colors that created the backdrop for this period of French history are complemented by architectural elements and photos of chefs that are reminiscent of statues of that era. This year La Vittoria was collecting funds for the Foundation of the Jewish General Hospital for research on Alzheimer’s disease.”

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