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Bora Shin, typographer/designer
Anthony Rutka, art director
Rutka Weadock Design, design firm
Maryland Institute College of Art, client
This book is sent to high-school students interested in attending MICA, one of the top art colleges in the country. Our challenge was to create a book that would attract smart, savvy, creative students. We designed a 480-page book with 220 pages devoted to the extraordinary artwork of MICA students. A distinctive feature is the double gatefold cover that discusses what makes a 'smart' artist—curiosity, passion, dedication. 8 1/2 x 7 3/4, 480 pages, colors: 6/6 process + 2 Toyo colors, two sides, perfect-bound, special attribute: double gatefold cover, cover weight fly-leafs inside front and back covers, registered embossing on the front cover, 24 pages of text printed on an alternate stock. Typefaces: Akkurat, Plantin.

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