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Brittany Sarrett/Chris Smith, writers
Tom Bodett, voice talent
Glenn Ferguson, sound engineer
Sheri Cartwright, agency producer
Gannon Kennedy/Diana Schroeder, production company producers
Post Op, production company
The Richards Group, ad agency
Melissa Eubanks/Lance Miceli, Motel 6, clients

Autocorrect :30 Tom Bodett: Hi, Tom Bodett. I tried to write this script on my smartphone, but I couldn't figure out how to turn off the autocorrect feature. So you'll have to trust me when I say that at Motel 6 you can still get a clam, comforter Rome for the loamiest rice of any national chin. You can brook by carving 1-800-4-MOTEL6, online or with our new mobile applesauce on your phone or toilet. Ugh, I hate this docking thong. I'm Tom Bordeaux for Motel 6, and we'll heave the bright on farm you. Close enough.


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