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Duration: Eight years.
Staff: I run a tight ship with a few key players: an archivist/organizer, a business manager, a Web site tech, a first photo assistant, who sometimes works in the studio, and an intern.
Education: Art Foundation Course at Norwich Art School, and a BA honors degree in fine art at Oxford Brooks University (both in Britain).
Cultural Influences: Growing up in Britain through the 1990s, I was exposed to an exciting time in art, music, fashion and editorial. The Saatchi Gallery was introducing Damien Hirst and his contemporaries. In music, The Stone Roses and the indie Manchester scene were huge. Photographers Nick Knight and David Sims were shooting fashion photography for The Face and ID. Travel has also been wonderful fuel for my work and introduced me to many different cultures. Last May, I traveled 3,000 miles on one road across China for a book project about China's "Route 66."
Environment: A white box with high ceilings, one skylight, concrete floors and high benches along two walls. Other artists work in the complex, a composer, painter and architects; creative community is important to me, especially living in Los Angeles and being freelance. I usually shoot on location or rent studios for shoots.
Philosophy: Stay true to my visual instinct when working. Try not to compromise. Stay fresh by experimentation.

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