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Matt Deans/Georgeiy Kuznetsov/Saxton Moore/Ryan Musselman/Andrew Prousalis/Liam Ward, animators
Hue & Cry, animation
Angie Elko/Whitney McCall/Chris Peel, designers
Brig White, art director
Magnus Hierta/David Muhlenfeld, creative directors
Jorge Calleja, group creative director
Joe Alexander, chief creative officer
Chiddy Bang, music
Justin Bailey/David Muhlenfeld, music composers
John Gibson, planner
Brian Creech/Caroline Helms/Jenny Hollowell/Kathy Lippincott/Rich Stine, producers
Anya Mills, art producer
Steve Humble, executive agency producer
English Major LLC, music company
Running With Scissors, post-production company
The Martin Agency, ad agency
Mondelez International, client

“Wonder what would happen if you gave an Oreo to your high school—would you get to drive a cooler car in Driver’s Ed class? Would the hallways be filled with smiles instead of scowls? Would the school PA crank your favorite track instead of just making announcements? Featuring rapper Chiddy Bang, this spot combines music with hand-drawn animation to show how, with the right attitude, even something as boring as band class can be Wonderfilled.”


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