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Fabio Caselli, typeface designer/creative director
Lilian Widdershoven, chief creative officer
Caselli Strategic Design, design firm
Revertis SRL, client
“Design for Revertis, an Italian brewery that produces artisan, bottle-conditioned beers. The logo is an interpretation of the heraldic symbology of the region where the beer is produced. The floral crown, which defines geographical regions in Italian heraldry, has been replaced by three hop flowers. Revertis means ‘hop’ in the local dialect. The two widths used to build the shield are from the two typefaces used for the logotype and strapline. The core of this packaging system is a pattern that alternates the logo with different Rs, each designed to represent the different beers. On the labels, the pattern overlaps with antique illustrations of hop plants. Each beer is identified with a number (given by the IBU scale indicating bitterness), its unique typeface and a dual-color code. This allows the initial range of three permanent products to be extended with seasonal offerings, creating a unique personality for each beer while reinforcing the brand.” Typefaces: Futura, Walbaum.

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