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Responses by Hernán Herrera, creative director, TWINEICH.

Background: For Salto de Fe, a coffee farm in Zapatoca, Colombia, we wanted to create a project that reflected the dream of an enthusiastic, enterprising family that came across a coffee farm in a region not known for its coffee growing or its tourism and turn this brand into a renowned place with a lot of history, a destiny for the brave.

Design thinking: Finding ourselves in a region totally unexpected to coffee culture, a little more rustic and abrupt, we immersed ourselves in visiting the place and had an almost religious experience. The family running Salto de Fe told us a story about a cave that triggered an interesting idea unique for the development and communication of this brand. We find coffee and its product as a strategy to invite true adventurers to Zapatoca as a tourist destination.

Challenges: Finding the name of the brand and managing not to pigeonhole ourselves in the cliches of coffee. By regulations and other protocols for the public to identify the type of product, we sometimes have to be very literal.

Favorite details: We are proud of the result not only for the aesthetic but also because we managed to translate the many different thoughts of what the family involved in the business wanted. We connected everything with the same feeling, finding the parts on which everyone agreed.

New lessons: As a team, we always learn a lot. We begin to know other cultures, other regions of our country that perhaps have not been explored and find possibilities in everything. We learned more about coffee culture and all the derivatives that come from a single product.

Visual influences: Our great influence was the place that the client took us to visit. It was an experience that first disconnected us from our daily lives and connected us to another world: A town with an infrastructure that remains frozen in time. The way people communicate. The sayings and proverbs of the area. The type of stones and the colors in the mountains. We immersed ourselves in a cave full of stories and dazzling textures and the animal life that lived there.

Time constraints: We had a good amount of time to work on the project and enjoyed the little trip we took before starting. In addition to feeding our minds, we recharged our batteries to get to work with the best attitude and energy.

Specific project demands: The client had a clear purpose of taking us to the town of Zapatoca. There, they wanted us to feel that place, to soak it up and be able to translate everything into a visual communications language for the brand. This made finding the name and the brand’s DNA and visual development much easier.




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