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Duration: Four years.

Staff: For personal work it's almost always a collaboration with assistants, art directors, makeup artists, stylists, models, etc... I take personal work very seriously, so I like people to be around to collaborate. For commissioned work, it really depends on what it will take to get the job done properly.

Education: Self-taught.

Cultural Influences: Growing up in Brazil, moving to South Florida, playing and watching sports everyday of my life, watching how light shapes everything around me, watching the sunrise at the beach, looking at everything from different perspectives, listening to good advice, breaking a couple of rules and biking to work when possible.

Environment: I'm in South Florida and love the weather; commissioned work takes me to different places, and I love to travel. I have a studio few miles from home where I do all my testing, experiments, retouching, commercial work and shoot lots of different stuff just for fun—it keeps my creativity fresh.

Philosophy: Do what you love and have fun!

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