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Troy LaChance, designer
Josh Goldblum/Jason Grandelli, programmers
Herzliya Films, digital video producer
Rebecca Sherman, project manager
Doctors without Borders, client

Captions were written by creative director Josh Goldblum, communication strategist Cecilia Razak and studio director Rebecca Sherman. "Doctors Without Borders and VII Photo Agency teamed up on Starved for Attention, a multimedia campaign exploring the international crisis of childhood malnutrition. The campaign tells the rich and disparate stories of malnutrition from Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, India, Mexico and the United States. In addition to being visually rich, the site serves as an appeal and call to action to an international audience. So far over 100,000 individuals have signed the petition to end childhood malnutrition. The site was developed in Dutch, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Greek, Japanese, Arabic and English. In addition, while the experience called for the site to be developed in Flash, it was also replicated in HTML and was optimized to appear on mobile and at slow connection speeds. The site leverages an integrated blog as well as custom, cutting-edge Facebook and social media integration."


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