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Duration: One year.

Location: We’re currently based in the Bermondsey district of London, United Kingdom.

Key creatives: At the studio’s core, there are only two of us: cofounders James Earls and Jack Featherstone. We both oversee creative direction and design. Depending on the project, we also scale up the studio as needed, drawing from our solid network of freelance designers, photographers, developers and animators. Oh, and there is Devo, the studio dog.

We work on a wide range of projects, from art direction to graphic design to 3-D motion graphics—and sometimes, a culmination of all these things. Our clients have often been in fashion, arts and culture, but we have done some work for hospitality brands, and recently, a beverage brand.

Bigger challenges are always really exciting.”

Favorite projects: The opening video for Google’s ZeitgeistMinds 2016 event. It gave us the opportunity to push ourselves creatively and technically, showing us what we are capable of. Another one is the identity and label design for Three Hills Brewing, a brewery in Northamptonshire—probably because it was a lot of fun to make, and the beer is delicious.

Work environment: Our studio is in an old factory, so it is very light and spacious, with plenty of room for the dog to plod around. We’ve only recently moved into this space—time will tell how it evolves.

Aspirations: At this stage, we’re focused on making solid work that excites us. We’re happy as a smaller, more flexible studio; we’re not really looking to become a big studio or to rapidly grow. We would like to apply our work and ideas to bigger brands with wider audiences. Bigger challenges are always really exciting.

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