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Youji Noh, typographer
Yuki Mitsuyasu, designer
y+y, design firm/client
XYZ is the first collaborative work by jewelery designer Yuki Mitsuyasu; and typographer/graphic designer Youji Noh of y+y. The idea started with a single plane, with a flat sheet of paper. Initial thoughts then took on a 3-D form by way of literally cutting, folding, bending and gluing the paper. Letters were constructed, with different planes adding the third dimension. From there, a whole new typeface was created, and the skeletal structure of the typeface was used as a guideline to transform the models into metal. The final alphabetical charms, their forms made from various planes, are like letters joined by a number of points on the XYZ axis. XYZ letters can be worn as a single charm or few letters together as a word.

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