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Dan Rosenberg, Zambezi, art director
Ashley Milhollin, Zambezi, writer
Ashley Milhollin/Dan Rosenberg, Zambezi, associate creative directors
Steph Altman, Mophonics/Nick Rodgers, Zambezi, creative directors
Gavin Lester, Zambezi, chief creative officer
Adam Bonsib, Fin Studios, assistant editor
Ling Ly, Fin Studios, editor
Aaron Philips, Merman, director of photography
Sam Winkler, Fin Studios, visual effects artist
Lucy Walker, Merman, director
Sean Mcdonald, Fin Studios, audio mixer
Tony Fiala, Mophonics, composer
Charleen Manca, Merman, producer
Julian Cautherly, Merman, line producer
Nat Bricker, Zambezi, senior producer
Andrew Gage, Zambezi/Meghan Lang, MPC, executive producers
Emily Frankenfeld, Zambezi, project manager
Mark Gethin, MPC, colorist
Fin Studios, editorial company/visual effects company
Kira Carstensen, Merman, production company
Shelley Altman/Steph Altman, Mophonics, music companies
Alex Cohn/Gordon Gray/Ryan Richards, Zambezi, ad agencies
Ultimate Software, client

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