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Tom Brown, designer
Brian Cronin, illustrator
Tom Brown Art+Design, design firm
Global magazine, client
"Global was a small brand extending magazine published by Deloitte & Touche. Since it was not a newsstand product, I took the opportunity to design them a magazine that could be a showcase for illustrators and conceptual photographers, where I could allow them the freedom to produce work that showed off their abilities and satisfied the subject all without the usual meddling and interference by editors and clients. The design approach for the feature well was to 'live' with the art for each story as long as I could before the deadline closed in, and once I felt I could react typographically to it, I would then give myself a very small window of time to execute designs. This layout isn't particularly complex and took only five minutes to slap together but is meant to not overwhelm what Brian (Cronin) is doing on the opposite page."

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