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Darío Real/Fernando Sosa, art directors
Ramiro Raposo, writer
Leo Prat/Ricky Vior, creative directors
Nicolás Trovato, director of photography
Leandro Spatz, editor
Juan Pablo Varsky, voice talent
La Rana, sound designer/agency music producer
Pablo Fusco, director
Federico García, associate producer
Cecilia Berroja Albiz, agency producer
Patricia Butelman, executive producer
Emiliano Portino, production company producer
Néstor Jones, post-production producer
Nunchaku Cine SRL, production company
Edgard Allan post, post-production company
la comunidad, ad agency
La Nacion, client
Everything Moves Me :50 (Open on a man sitting in an armchair) Man (VO): Today I realized something: when a World Cup is near, everything moves me. (A baby enters the frame and rushes over to a TV set) Man (VO): (Sniffle) A baby with the Argentine flag. (The man looks at a framed newspaper page) Man (VO): A memory of 1986. (Cut to threee friends on a a sofa) Man (VO): Friends hugging each other. (Friends jump up and start hugging each other) Man (VO): Friends hugging each other in slow motion. (Friends hugging in slow motion) Man (VO): Friends hugging each other in slow motion, in the rain. (Friends hugging each other in slow motion in the rain) Man (VO): (Cries) A plant. (Cut to the man looking at a plant) Man (VO): A kayak. (The man looks at a kayak) Man (VO): (Sob) Even a 40-year-old boy scout. (Cut to the man kneeling beside the scout who tries to comfort him) Man (VO): I don't know what it is, but I see this …. (Newspaper headlines announcing World Cup) Super: What's happening to you is a World Cup Ammcr. (VO): The sports newspaper that knows how it feels every four years. Super: La Nacion

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